Dainere’s Rainbow was established in memory of and as a legacy to inspiring local Canberran Dainere Anthoney, who died from brain cancer aged fifteen. Dainere’s Rainbow are dedicated to elevating significant awareness of childhood brain cancer within the community, raising funds to support brain cancer research and advocate for greater knowledge, education and support for children and their families diagnosed with brain cancer.
This September for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we are launching a new initiative to provide families with valuable assistance when faced with the unimaginable diagnosis of their child or sibling with brain cancer.
The new ‘Families’ section on the Dainere’s Rainbow website (produced by TransitGraphics) is an invaluable resource to assist families: providing information on Symptoms; the treatment team; statistics and facts; procedures a child with brain cancer may undergo; specific brain tumours and an A-Z of common words associated with brain cancers and treatment.
Dainere’s Rainbow founder’s Yvonne, Stephen, Nalani and Jarrett Anthoney who have authored the content on the website from their own experience said:
“Until you are faced with the unimaginable diagnosis of your child having cancer, you are not aware of the immeasurable impact it can have on your entire family unit”.
“Childhood cancer is not easy to face or speak about, however If you chose to look the other way, another child will tragically die from this horrendous disease”.
“We need to be the voices for all the children who no longer can raise theirs because they have been the victims of childhood cancer”.
“You are not alone, the childhood cancer journey is a roller coaster, life will never be the same, however through this initiative we hope to provide a source of support along the way”
Yvonne Anthony shared a quote that was sent to the family when Dainere was fighting so hard.
“Children with cancer are like candles in the wind who accept the possibility that they are in danger of being extinguished by a gust of wind from nowhere and yet, as they flicker and dance to remain alive, their brilliance challenges the darkness and dazzles those of us who watch their light”.
John Mikita, Patron of Dainere’s Rainbow believes the website is a significant step forward to help families in Canberra deal with the stresses and emotional upheaval of having their child diagnosed with cancer.
The website will allow families to step through what they are likely to experience, and hopefully make their journey easier to cope with having the facts at hand and easily accessible in one place. There are currently no medical facilities available for Canberra families without having to make the arduous journey to Sydney and it can be quite daunting going outside of your local area and home to undertake the tests, treatments and recovery Mr Mikita says.
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month was first proclaimed by former US President Obama in 2010. Since then, it has become a global initiative, raising awareness for childhood cancer.
The Gold Ribbon is the International Awareness Symbol of Childhood Cancer, with gold being the international colour of childhood cancer awareness.

Childhood Cancer Statistics
- Each year, more than 1,000 children and adolescents in Australia – and 300,000 children worldwide – are diagnosed with cancer.
- Brain Cancer kills more children than any other disease in Australia.
- When a child dies from cancer, an average 70 potential years of life are lost.
- Every week, about three children and adolescents in Australia – and 1,500 children worldwide – die from cancer.
- 70% of children who survive cancer suffer long-term effects from their treatment.
Source: Children’s Cancer Institute 2021
Further details available by contacting;
Stephen and Yvonne Anthoney (Founders Dainere’s Rainbow)
John Mikita (Director/Owner Transit Graphics and Patron of Dainere’s Rainbow)
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