The history of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month originated in 2010 when the President of the United States, Barack Obama proclaimed Childhood Cancer Awareness Month to raise awareness that children with cancer need help from the Community. Since then it has become a global initiative, raising awareness across the globe for childhood cancer.
Awareness ribbons enable international action for a particular cause. The Gold Ribbon is the official colour for Childhood Cancer Awareness. Gold is a precious metal and represents the precious lives lost to childhood cancer and in recognition of each child’s strength, courage and resilience. Wearing the gold ribbon is symbolic of solidarity across the globe and represents all children affected with cancer and their families.
With awareness comes support, Government funding is limited and can only stretch so far and the urgently needed and vital funds for research programs and projects which are key for improving outcomes and working towards the reality of a cure predominantly come from the generosity of the Community.
Brain Cancer kills more children than any other disease; with a child losing their life every eleven (11) days. The Dainere’s Rainbow Team invite you to join us to elevate significant awareness to bring hope and create change by turning your local community GOLD during the month of September.
My little voice could only make a small difference, but together many voices could create change – Dainere Anthoney