Our team at Aquatots Swim School have supported the Major Gala Fundraising Event for Dainere’s Rainbow previously and were disappointed we were unable to support this important cause due to the COVID 19 Pandemic. Every term we create a SwimSafer week with a theme, to help kids gain the skills needed to swim safer in a fun and engaging way. When we realised that the month was “Turn September Golden for Childhood Cancer Awareness”, the theme emerged. We themed our Swim Safer Week ‘The Golden Games’ and based our swim activities on the Royal Life Swim and Survive Awards using fun games for the children to complete. To help raise awareness of this month, our instructors and staff all dressed in yellow and gold outfits. Our Aquatots community were asked to donate a gold coin for our efforts and we are so proud that they did. We raised a total of $733.40 and we would like to thank our amazing supportive Aquatots Community for their contribution. Our team at Aquatots knows the importance of saving young lives and we are extremely happy that we were able to help raise awareness and give hope.